Reflection & Insights
Welcome to where personal reflection meets practical insight. Here, we delve into how things show up in the world, examining the subtle forces and overt challenges that mould and shape the impression we leave in people’s minds. I also share my more general musings on strategic thinking and, occasionally, life.
My writing aims to marry critical thinking with a dose of observational English wit. My goal is to bring you value in the form of new perspectives that might inspire, clarify, or motivate change so that we all become that little bit better every day.
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The energy of possibility
Coming into the workshop, everyone was caught up in their individual realities, playing the ‘survive the day-to-day’ game that so often takes over. It becomes consuming, narrow and frantic – and can be exhausting for leaders and teams alike.
A game of two halves
And just like that, there goes the Easter weekend.
For many clients, this is where the first-half performance starts to properly come into view. And with just over two months to go, the results are coming in as to what will and won’t make it across the line before the mid-way point of 2023.
So tell me, what’s happening out there?
This is one of the most common coffee questions I get asked. It’s right up there with, “What are you seeing happening? How are others going? What are people focusing on?”.
One team outperforms a team of teams
I spend a lot of time with teams – executive teams and departmental leadership teams all the way through to operational units. One differentiating factor between them all is simply cohesion.
It’s the game, not the goal.
We have all become fixated on goals, both personally and professionally.
But here’s the bad news: The goal doesn’t actually matter. I mean, it does of course – no one’s denying that goals don’t win games. But it’s certainly not the most important part.
First book edit complete
The journey I’ve taken from having that very first acorn of an idea to holding a finished manuscript still feels more than a little surreal. And when I say finished manuscript, by that I mean I’ve now done most of my bit. After my editor, Michael, completed the first major edit, I then reviewed all the changes, made adjustments to improve readability and finished off the last few outstanding sections.
Complexity is a killer
Without sounding dramatic, there are some systems, such as nuclear power plants, with highly complex operations. That complexity can be hard to stay on top of over decades of operation, and simple human error can lead to catastrophic consequences.
Why is it still so hard to land a compelling vision?
I’ve recently been in numerous conversations regarding vision, mission, purpose, values, and behaviours. There’s been confusion, complexity – and even outright rejection.